Novi Oaks Charter Chapter
The Novi Oaks Charter Chapter is a non-profit business league in The American Business Women's Association, which was founded on September 22, 1949.
The Novi Oaks Charter Chapter was founded on January 29, 1990 by Bettie Archer Johnson (1923-2017), a 50-year member and a dedicated advocate for all women.
ABWA is a premier women's organization that provides business-relevant speakers, seminars, and hands-on leadership opportunities. Members gain skills in face-to-face communication, collaboration, and relationship-building, which are particularly important skills for younger workers. Although it is not guaranteed, many members make connections that lead to future business, and sometimes, lifelong friendships.
Regular meetings on the second Wednesday of the month begin at 6:00 p.m. with networking and dinner. Meetings feature a speaker and a short chapter meeting. Pre-registration is required with three options: $22 with dinner, $10 without dinner, and $5 for Zoom. Visit our Events page for details on the meetings.
When: 2nd Wednesday of each month
Time: 6:00 p.m. Networking and Dinner / 6:30 p.m. Introductions & Presentation
Where: Locations vary: Novi Civic Center, Farmington Public Library, and the CARES Center in Farmington Hills (please download fliers on our Events page)
Cost: Pre-paid registration required - $22 with dinner / $10 without dinner / $5 Zoom
See fliers for details and register on the Events page
ABWA National Dues: $115 - Click the "Join ABWA" button at the upper right
Chapter Annual Dues: $ 24 (prorated at $2 per month from August 1 through July 31). Chapter dues are paid on the "Member Access" page
Changing Women's Lives . . . . One Woman at a Time. TM
Our Mission
To bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition.
Our Vision
Novi Oaks Charter Chapter educates and empowers women by supporting them to achieve their personal best.
Dedicated to our chapter founder, Bettie Archer Johnson (pictured to the left , bottom center).